by jennilivins | Four leafed clover, Mind Drawing, Mind Drawing Children's Stories, Mind Drawing Stories
This is a big callout to my amazing launch team. Thank-you all so much! You have been wonderful and I appreciate all the support ? The second exhibition tour stop on the Mind Drawing Children’s Stories Project ends this afternoon. I plan to be at the Cardinia...
by jennilivins | Four leafed clover, Mind Drawing, Mind Drawing Children's Stories, Mind Drawing Stories, Writing
Yes, I know, perhaps a little late. And I do apologise for neglecting you. I have been very; let’s say that again, VERY, focused on delivering all sorts of arts experiences in the real-world. The latest has been the creation of that book everyone has been...
by jennilivins | Four leafed clover, Mind Drawing, Mind Drawing Children's Stories, Mind Drawing Stories, Writing
The Mind Drawing Exploring Drawing Workshop was so much fun! We looked – we talked – we shared what we saw – then we looked again as others explained what they saw. There were differences and commonalities. We explored communication some more –...
by jennilivins | Four leafed clover, Mind Drawing, Mind Drawing Children's Stories, Mind Drawing Stories
Artist statement – Mind Drawing A Mind Drawing is a detailed picture in which lines can be read in more than one way. This may cause two people looking at the same work to give totally different answers when asked what they see. The term, ‘Mind Drawing’,...
by jennilivins | Four leafed clover, Mind Drawing, Mind Drawing Children's Stories, Mind Drawing Stories, Writing
What a fabulous day I have had today. As I began with preparing my scanned drawings ready for use in book and card publishing, I realised I actually enjoy the computer work post-drawing as much as creating the Mind Drawings with pen and ink. I want to get as much of...
by jennilivins | Four leafed clover, Mind Drawing, Mind Drawing Children's Stories, Mind Drawing Stories
NaBloPoMo – Day 18 Another behind the scenes post: The Mind Drawing Children’s Stories exhibition was delivered across the State and is now installed at Blarney Books and Art in Port Fairy (as seen on day 12 ). What is...