Here’s the final behind-the-scenes peek at working in public and community engagement as I prepared for Mind Drawing Children’s Stories Exhibition.
After drawing at venues in Casey and Yarra Ranges, my last stop was the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham, where I entertained audiences before and after they attended the Red Riding Hood pantomimes or family movies (6 sessions in all).
I presented the same activities as at Burrinja, but the Mind Drawing I started there and photographed every couple of minutes during creation was based on the story- Little Red Riding Hood.
More than a hundred people enjoyed the activities: treasure hunt, colouring, matching game and collaborative drawing.
We had families, friends, a Japanese play group … people young and old.
All were interested in the pictures hidden within the Mind Drawings and many were astounded at the differences in how we see. One mother didn’t seem to believe that one of her four children couldn’t see the same thing as the rest of her family when looking at the same picture.
I was not surprised. In the last three years I’ve asked people at exhibitions and arts events to tell me the first overall thing they see in the picture, Hidden in Plain Sight. Nine out of ten people have seen one thing in the drawing and the others have seen something else.
This aspect of Mind Drawing is something I’m exploring further in my mark making. By showing the picture to people, I am raising awareness that we don’t all see the same way- and that’s ok. But it does have an impact on communication. It demonstrates the value of using our words to to ensure we are talking about the same thing.
Soon, when I’ve completed a few necessary tasks for the Children’s Stories exhibition project, I shall place the drawing on the home page of the Mind Drawing website so you can test how you see.