Today my Lazy River Writers friends and I celebrated another year of writing (our 16th year as a group) We recapped our successes and the immeasurable work we put in that is just a part of being a writer.
We celebrated our friendship and the support we offer one another and resolved to be held a little more accountable rather than applying understanding placations when life gets in the way of writing. Instead we shall ask good questions while acknowledging the challenges faced. Eg yes, that’s happening but have thought of finding the time to write by …
– but don’t get the impression we didn’t achieve much this year. We’ve had big prize winnings and published worked, spoken word facilitation and more.
After sharing our reflections of the year in a magazine of our top five achievements we had a great laugh at ourselves and the funny moments in our annual quiz segment: ‘Who said this?’
Next year is another year and we will continue to go from strength to strength together.